Category: News

Ramona Karlsson is Swedens’ most successful female Rally driver, and as first woman ever – she acheived an overall victory in the Swedish Championhip final. Next year, her goal is to make a comeback in Rallycross-  which she competed in as a Junior. This time she aims at the highest class, and to drive a Supercar.

Ramona is a true entrepenpour and have skills in finding new ways of market her sponsors, and to find new cooperations. Right now she works ambitiously with finding partners for her World Rallycross ambitions 2014, and has started a unique project.

Just weeks before Christmas, Ramona releases a campaign where she offers her driving services for Marketing managers in Stockholm. ”This is a very busy time, and it’s hard to find meeting times with sponsors. Therefore I offer the marketing managers a ride in my car between their errands. I save their time, and at the same time I have possibility to tell them more about my plans for next year. The project is named ”Rally Taxi”, and has received very response in Sweden, which is great”, Ramona positively says, and adds: ”This time I give them a ride in my private car. But if the conversation leads to a sponsorship agreement, I will give bring my Rally car next time”.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]