(Svenska) Ramona tillbaks på banan
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The Norwegian-based Supercar team CircleX with Jarle Nytrae and Frode is entering Rally X Nordic 2017. The team will this year expand to three cars, since the former Rally driver Ramona Karlsson will join the team. Ramona will his year be back on track after a year’s maternity leave. “This will be great fun and […]
Igår arrangerades den stora presskonferensen för Michelin Guide Nordic Countries 2017. Över 100 journalister slöt upp till konferensen och avslöjandet om vilka nya restauranger och hotell som skulle premieras med den åtråvärda Michelin-stjärnan. Ramona agerade konferencier och delade ut de nya stjärnorna tillsammans med Michael Ellis, International Director för Michelin Guide. Presskonferensen livesändes och kan […]
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Ramona Karlsson and her partner Glenn Mattsing are delighted to announce the arrival of their new baby boy! Mother and baby are doing well after a swift delivery just before midnight on the evening of the 3rd May. The new family are now relaxing and enjoying their first new experiences together. A beaming Ramona expressed […]
Despite being absent from the WorldRX contestants’ line up this season, Ramona is being kept very busy. Her last assignment was for SEAB and STP during the Elmia Fair. “It was really successful. Nearly 89,000 people visited the fair, which is an increase of over 12,000 from the previous year. Many visitors came to the […]
One of the worlds biggest and most popular competition in rallycross, the FIA World Rallycross Championship in Höljes, Sweden, is aiming to improve even more. During the FIA meeting in Finland, Morgan Östlund Clerk of the course at Höljes RX, made en agreement with consultants Ramona Karlsson and Glenn Mattsing to develop the event. – […]
Now it’s time for a new year, and I hope that you take your time to some reflection; to think about this year and what you have learned to make 2016 even better. I look back to a really exhiting season. 2015 was the very first year with my own Supercar team – I almost […]
In cooperation with Wendros, Ramona RX arranged a competition for all the fanclub members. The prices were there WRC 5 games, and a WRC cap. Three fanclub members were drawn, and to get the prices they needed to have the correct answer on a question. Now the winners are selected, and the happy ones are; […]