Category: News

Photo: Glenn Mattsing /  Outside

This weekend Ramona and Miram became the first women ever to take a total victory in the Swedish Championships. They also brought back a total silver medal in Swedish Championships 2013. ”We could not have a better finish of the season, we are so happy!” Ramona and Miriam says. During the whole rally, Ramona had a close second battle with Jerker Axelsson and Fredrik Åhlin. Before the last stage Ramona and Miriam were at a total 2:nd place, at the exactly same time as Fredrik Åhlin. Jerker got puncture, and Ramona won the stage before Åhlin with 1,8 seconds. This resulted in a total victory in the Swedish Championship final, and after a successful season in their first WRC season, Ramona and Miriam brought back a silver medal in the highest class. Ramona is the first female driver ever that has succeded with anything like this, and Ramona and Miriam received great tributes for their historic result. It was two very happy girls on the top of the podium. ”Last rally we lost the victory after a puncture. Now we had the mariginals on our side. This victory is not only ours – it’s for the whole team and for all our sponsors that has made this possible. We are happy to work with people that strongly has beleived in us, and an extra thanks to our chief mechanic Mikael Gustafsson who for sure is one of them ” Ramona says.

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