Category: News

Yesterday the National Swedish TV-show ”Motor” challenged Ramona in racing with small copys of 4WD Ford Fiesta racing cars. Ramona challenged the TV show host Mattias, who has earlier competed with these special made cars- that does 0-100 km/h within 3,5 seconds. ”Tarmac is not ”my” surface, I normally only compete on gravel and ice, so this was going to be challenging” Ramona says. But Ramona immediately sat the fastest lap time and was leading until one lap left. As a result of a touched a tyre barrier, a tyre laid in the way of Ramonas track – which resulted in a time loss and Ramona was beaten by 0,3 seconds. Look at the TV-show HERE, where Ramona show the viewer some nice drifting. The racing callenge starts at 34.15 into the show.