Category: News

This weekend  Ramona arranged an education weekend for Young Female Drivers, where Ramona is a mentor for seven young female drivers in rally, rallycross, crosskart and stockcar. On Sathurday, it was mental training day, and Andreas Kullberg from Time2Change educated the girls in how to develop a positive mindset. Andreas is a mental coach, and has worked with several successful athletes. “I’m very happy that Andreas came and shared his knowledge.  Motorsport is a very mental sport, and it felt important and valuable to give the girls this education and information”  Ramona says.


Glenn Mattsing, CEO for Outside Magazine, were making a very interesting lecture abut media, and how you can take advantage of media to promote both your own brand as well as your sponsors.


On Sunday, Young Female Drivers visited “Set Sail Fitness Gym”,  where Ramonas’ personal Physical trainer Erik were making tests with the girls. The Physical tests were follow-up tests, and that showed positive results. “Most of the girls had developed a lot compared to the last test, which was really positive to see”, Ramona says


Ramona will continue with the YFD project during 2014. “Although I need to put a lot of time in my own career, I really want to run this project further. It has been a really great project and I have had the benefit to get to know seven very ambitious and fantastic girls, that I want to continue helping in their career. I strongly beleive that we very much need these kind of projects for female athletes in motorsport. The response from the girls have been very positive, and they are very keen on continuing the project” Ramona says
