Category: News

This weekend Ramona and her co-driver Miriam drove their 4:th Swedish Championship competition “Snapphanerallyt”,  in their Skoda Fabia WRC. Last competition, Ramona and Miriam became the first Swedish Female team ever who achieved a podium place in the highest class. And at this competition, they succeeded again!

The rally started on Friday, and where there only were tarmac stages.  ”Ve lost too much time on the first tarmac stage. But it went much better the second round” Ramona says, that secured a third position after Fridays’ tarmac stages. Close behind were the 18:th time Swedish Champion Mats Jonsson, 1.7 seconds after Ramona.

Sathurdays’ stages was 100% gravel. At first stage Mats came 1,6 closer to Ramona, but at next stage, Mats had to retire which resulted in a safe third position for Ramona and Miriam, 20 seconds after 2:nd place and 23 seconds in front of 4:th place.

At SS4, a stage with a very fast character, Ramona and Miriam made a full speed spin. ”I was a bit too optimistic at a fast speed left over a crest. I had full throttle at highest gear, the rear end lost grip over the crest, and since we aready had maximum speed on the car – I had no power to straighten up the car enough” Ramona says and continues;  ” I would not prefer to make a full speed spin in 200 km/h again, but I’m very happy that we  came out of the situation in one piece” Ramona says with a big smile.  Ramona succeeded to keep the car on the road during he spin, and only touched some small trees at the roads’ edges. The girls could continue, but lost  approximately 20 seconds from the top stage times. Now Ramona and Miriams’ goal was to keep their third position, which they succeeded with – but it got a bit “too exhiting” at the last stage. ”Suddently we lost the hyudralic pressure to servo, gearshift and differentials, so the car became very hard to handle” Ramonas says. But with a stubborn mind and muscle servo, Ramona and Miriam succeeded to keep their 3:rd position to goal.   “It feels great to secure one more podium position, and we reached the goal with a big smile on our faces” Ramona happily says.

Now Ramona and Miriam climbs to a total 2:nd position overall in the Swedish Championship, with two competitions left. Next race is in Linköping 6th-7:th September, and the final is in Uppsala 4th-5th of October. To look closer at the Swedish Championship result table, please click  HERE!